Unlocking Wellness with Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is a hands-on approach to holistic health.

At Concierge Chiropractic and Wellness LLC, we offer personalized chiropractic care as a natural, non-invasive pathway to health and wellness. Our skilled practitioners in North Central OK, use a variety of techniques to help your body heal itself and function optimally. Benefits include improved mobility, relief from pain, enhanced immune function, and increased energy. Embrace a healthier lifestyle and discover the difference chiropractic care can make to your overall wellbeing.

Mobile Chiropractic Services Offered

  • Manual adjusting/drop table
  • Instrument adjusting
  • PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular fascilitation) stretching
  • FDM (Fascial Distortion Model)
  • Graston myofascial release
  • Cupping
  • Manual massage/soft tissue work
  • Vibe percussion
  • Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Unravel a Pain-free Life

Take the first step, book your initial chiropractic appointment today
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